Vaping is a big problem in schools these days. Kids are vaping in the bathroom, in locker rooms, in the hallways, and even in class! This can be extremely disruptive and dangerous. Vaping is proven to be a gateway drug, and it can lead to nicotine addiction. As more THC and fentanyl-lined devices and products hit the market, vaping in schools will continue to be a problem. In this blog post, we will discuss six ways that you can stop vaping at your school. We will also provide tips on how to create a vape-free environment for your students.
If you are a teacher or administrator, it is important to be aware of the vaping problem in schools. In order to stop vaping at your school, you will need to take some proactive steps. Here are six ways that you can stop vaping at your school:
Create a vape-free policy
One of the best ways to stop vaping at your school is to create a vape-free policy. This policy should be clear and concise. It should state that vaping is not allowed on school property or at school events. Be sure to post this policy in prominent places around the school so that everyone is aware of it. Be sure to check out the anti-vaping posters on our resources page. Many schools have had success implementing no-tolerance policies where students found in the vicinity of a student caught vaping receive the same punishment as the vaping student.
Install vape detectors
Another way to stop vaping at your school is to install vape detectors in strategic locations. This will send a clear message to students that vaping is not tolerated on school property. Vape detectors are proven to be an effective way to deter vaping. They can also help you catch students who are vaping so that you can take appropriate disciplinary action. Triton Sensors offers an effective and affordable vape detector designed to help schools end the vaping epidemic. Triton is proud to offer free demo devices to allow any school the chance to test the device for themselves.
Educate your staff
It is important to educate your staff about the dangers of vaping. They should be aware of the signs of vaping so that they can intervene if they see it happening. Modern vapes are small and easily concealable, so it can be difficult to spot them. Some vapes resemble USB jump drives or pens, so it is important for staff to be familiar with what they look like. However, there are some tell-tale signs that a student may be vaping. These include using the restroom frequently, being jittery or lacking energy, and sweet smells in the air. Many teens are attracted to vapes because they come in fun flavors like cotton candy, mango, watermelon, blue raspberry, and more. These smells tend to linger in the air, so if you notice a sweet smell, it is possible that vaping is taking place.
Educate your students
In addition to educating your staff, you should also educate your students about the dangers of vaping. You can do this through assemblies, classroom presentations, or even just one-on-one conversations. It is important that students understand the risks associated with vaping so that they can make informed decisions about whether or not to vape. One of the most powerful ways to inform a student’s developing brain is by inviting guest speakers who are recovering nicotine addicts to connect with the students on a personal level.
Enforce consequences
If students are caught vaping, they should face consequences. These consequences could include detention, suspension, or expulsion from school. It is important to be consistent with enforcing these consequences so that students know that vaping is not tolerated. If you feel that disciplinary action is too harsh, consider education efforts. There are tons of courses and videos offered by The Truth Initiative ( These can be used in addition to, or instead of, traditional disciplinary action.
Create a healthy school environment
One of the best ways to stop vaping at your school is to create a healthy school environment. This means promoting healthy activities and providing support for students who are struggling with addiction. You can do this by offering counseling services, after-school programs, and health education classes. By incentivizing healthy behavior, you can create a culture of wellness at your school. Schools have found success with giving away prizes for students who pledge to be drug-free (snacks, pizza parties, drinks, etc.), hosting fitness competitions, and starting drug-free student-led committees. These are just a few of the many ways you can create a healthy school environment.
By taking these steps, you can help prevent vaping at your school. These six proven methods will help to create a vape-free environment for your students. Implementing these strategies will help to keep your students safe and promote a healthier school culture. For more information on vaping and how to stop it, check out the resources below.
What is an appropriate punishment for vaping
Vaping is an addiction as much as it is a behavioral problem. In our years of experience supporting school administrators, we have found that punishments for vaping only go so far and a holistic approach designed to help students quit is more affective. For example, suspending a student who violates a no-nicotine policy gives them a chance to continue vaping while at home. We have seen far better results in referring the student to alcohol and tobacco education programs. These programs are widely available no matter the location. We have found that students who go into these programs become less dependent on vaping, and see their grades improve along with their mental and physical health.
Below is a list of resources that can aid students in quitting nicotine.
–The Truth Initiative: The leading national public health organization dedicated to making tobacco use a thing of the past.
–The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The national public health institute of the United States.
–The U.S. Food and Drug Administration: The federal agency responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety of our food supply, drugs, and medical devices.
–The National Institute on Drug Abuse: The leading scientific organization in the world dedicated to researching drug abuse and addiction.
–The American Academy of Pediatrics: The largest pediatric medical organization in the United States.
–The American Lung Association: A voluntary health organization whose mission is to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease.
–The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids: A leading force in the fight to reduce tobacco use and its devastating consequences in the United States and around the world.