Billed as a healthier alternative to smoking tobacco, vape pens are used by smokers of all ages. Worryingly, it has also gotten into the hands of some underage smokers who may experience side effects more so than adults.
One of these reported side effects, common among all types of vapers, is a sore throat. In this guide, we undertake a review of the science to look at why vaping causes a sore throat. We also look at other reasons why you could suffer irritation, and what steps you can take to treat your pain and discomfort.
Let’s start with a look at the basics.
How Does Vaping Work?
Introduced several years ago, vapes or vaporizers as they’re otherwise known, are an alternative to smoking tobacco products. These devices burn liquid or e-juice, producing a vapor which you inhale.
While the vapor produced by these products contains fewer chemicals than the likes of tobacco smoke, they still possess harmful compounds. Chief among them is nicotine. This highly addictive substance is the main ingredient in tobacco. In vapes, a synthetic form is often used. However, it can contribute to a range of problems, from headaches and acne to throat irritation.
There are other chemicals found in vapes that could contribute to a sore throat, and we explore this in greater detail below.
Can Vaping Cause A Sore Throat? A Look At The Science
So, can vaping cause a sore throat?
In short, the answer is yes. Numerous scientific studies have been conducted and the results are illuminating. For example, one study published in The New England Journal of Medicine (2019) found that around 65% of those who used vapes in the group that they studied reported more throat or mouth irritation.
A further study by Gotts et al. (2019), published in The BMJ, found that upon reviewing several population studies and surveys, users of vapes reported negative symptoms related to the mouth, throat, and airways.
So we know that vaping can cause irritation, but what’s the reason? It seems to lie in the fact that vapor from e-cigarettes can dry out the mucus membranes in the throat, which creates a sore, scratchy feeling. Nicotine plays a significant role in this too. It can make irritations worse, especially if you use a product that’s high in nicotine.
There are other reasons why vapes could cause a sore throat. Let’s take a look.
Other Reasons Why Vapes Could Cause Throat Irritation
As well as the chemicals found in vapes, there are other potential causes of throat irritation. Here’s a breakdown of the main culprits.
Broken Coils
A coil is the heating element within vaping devices. When it heats up, it turns e-liquid into vapor which you then inhale.
However, coils can become broken, damaged or burnt. When they fall into such a state, they can release a harsh and unpleasant vapor which can irritate your throat. These coils can be made of toxic chemicals too, such as lead, and when inhaled can cause problems for your body.
You may realize that a coil is broken when you experience a bitter or burnt taste. If you do experience this, make a check of your vape pen and replace the coil if possible.
Depending on how much you vape, you may need to replace coils every two to four weeks.
Wrong PG/VG Ratio
E-liquids contain two primary ingredients: Propylene Glycol (PG) and Vegetable Glycerin (VG). Each affects our throats in different ways.
PG, for example, is responsible for delivering a stronger “throat hit,” which can become irritating in higher concentrations.
VG, on the other hand, produces smoother and denser vapor, which makes it gentler on the throat.
If you’re experiencing lots of irritation, then you may need to adjust your PG/VG ratio. The main thing to do is to reduce the level of PG and increase the level of VG.
Check The Flavoring
Certain flavorings used in vape juices can also trigger throat irritation.
Sometimes, strongly acidic flavors (like citrus or sour flavors), menthol, or spicy flavorings (such as cinnamon or peppermint) might increase irritation due to their harsher chemical profiles.
If you experience this kind of unpleasant feeling, you could try switching to milder or unflavored e-liquids, or make a note of the different flavors you try and list the ones that agree with you and those that don’t.
Check For Allergies
Another reason why you could experience a sore throat after vaping is allergies. Given the different chemicals found in vape products, you may have a sensitivity to one or several.
Like with other types of allergic reactions, you may experience other symptoms like rashes, swelling or itchiness.
If you get these symptoms, it’s important to stop vaping and consult an allergist or doctor to get an understanding of the cause.
Nicotine Levels
As mentioned above, nicotine has the capability of making throat irritations much worse, especially if consumed in higher concentrations.
The first step is to check to see how much nicotine is in your vape. From there, you can try a vape with a lower level which may reduce irritation.
Something else to consider is the brand of vape you buy. Some less reputable products are known to contain impurities or unchecked levels of nicotine. Switching to a more trusted brand could help your sore throat.
Can I Change My Habit To Reduce Irritation?
It’s possible to adjust your habit to reduce irritation to your throat. We’ve mentioned some tips above, but here’s a full breakdown:
- Use Lower Nicotine Levels – one of the biggest causes of sore throats in vapers is nicotine, so reducing the levels in your product of choice could help
- Reduce PG And Increase VG – next time you’re buying vape juice, look for one that has a higher VG level, which will produce a smoother, gentler vapor
- Drink More Water – given how vaping dries out your throat, keeping it moist and hydrated is vital.
- Don’t Vape As Much – if you’re suffering from a sore throat caused by vaping, allow time for your body to heal by reducing the amount you vape.
How To Treat A Sore Throat After Vaping
If you’re suffering from a sore throat after vaping then there are some steps you can take to help improve your symptoms and reduce pain and discomfort. Here are our top tips:
- Drink Water – staying hydrated is vital. Drinking cool water can help soothe the pain in your throat, and drinking herbal teas and warm broths can also help tackle inflammation.
- Gargle Saltwater – one way to tackle irritants in your throat is to gargle warm salt water. It can help cleanse and soothe your sore throat.
- Throat Lozenges – available in all pharmacies, you could try throat lozenges which can soothe and numb your throat.
- Avoid Smoking Or Vaping – if you really want to get rid of your sore throat, then cutting out the habit altogether will help you take a big step toward achieving that.
I’ve Quit Vaping But My Throat Is Still Sore. What Should I Do?
If you’ve quit vaping and you still have a sore throat, it’s important to be aware that it can take your body a week or two to properly heal. Following the advice we shared in our previous section can help you treat the symptoms.
However, if you’re suffering from a persistent sore throat, even despite your attempts to treat it, you may have an infection or allergy that needs examining. Seek out medical advice when you can and try and get to the bottom of the cause.
Get Help Quitting Vaping
Now that you’ve read all about vaping and whether or not it can cause a sore throat, you may wish for help on quitting the habit. If so, you’re in luck. There are plenty of excellent resources available online that you can use. For example, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has a very helpful and informative guide on quitting vaping here. And we also have our own helpful guide to quitting here.
If you’re concerned about someone who’s vaping and they’re making no effort to quit, there are other forms of help available. Here at Triton Sensors, we specialize in producing state-of-the-art vape detectors that can alert you whenever someone is vaping. So if your teenager has developed the habit and needs help quitting, this is an ideal solution.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Below, you can find answers to questions we’re frequently asked about vaping and sore throats.
Can Vaping Cause A Prolonged Sore Throat?
Yes, chronic vaping can cause a prolonged sore throat and could even lead to the development of infections. If you experience pain and discomfort, it’s important to reduce or quit your smoking habit to allow your body to recover. If nothing improves within a week or so, it’s worth speaking with your doctor to see if you do indeed have an infection.
Can Vaping Cause Sore Throat On One Side?
It’s not uncommon for vaping to impact specific parts of the throat, such as one side in particular. However, if you suffer from persistent soreness on one side, it could be a sign of another condition, like tonsillitis or swollen lymph nodes. Again, it’s best to seek medical advice if this is the case.
Can Weed Vaping Cause Sore Throat?
Just like nicotine-based vapes, weed vaping can also cause a sore throat. While chemicals are less likely to play a role, the issue could lie in the harshness of the vapor, the temperature, or the purity levels of the cannabis product found in vapes.