Vaping has been billed as a healthier alternative to tobacco products, and in recent years, it has led to a large portion of the population making a switch.

As time has gone by, stories and reports have emerged about vaping and its potential health effects. One area of discussion has been acne, with some people reporting outbreaks and deterioration in skin health. 

So to help, we’ve put this guide together to provide a clear answer to the question: does vaping cause acne?

Below, we take a look at the potential effects of vaping and its relationship with acne on a scientific level. We look at whether or not it can cause cystic acne, back acne or acne around the mouth, and provide advice on quitting. 

Let’s start with a look at the basics. 

What Is Acne And What Are Its Causes?

Acne is a skin condition which is more common than people think. While it can have various causes, it’s most commonly linked with hair follicles becoming clogged with oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. 

This clogging of the pores causes blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and in more severe and painful cases, cystic acne. 

We mentioned there’s no definitive cause, but here are some of the most commonly known ones:

Understanding these causes is important as you may have an underlying condition that contributes to its development. Vaping, therefore, is not a direct cause of acne, but as we explore below, it could make matters worse. 

Does Vaping Cause Acne Breakouts?

So, does vaping cause acne?

Scientific studies are still exploring a potential link, but there is some evidence to suggest that the chemicals found in vapes could contribute to the problem. This all stems from anecdotal evidence from vapers who have found a worsening of their skin health since they started vaping. It’s led some to coin the phrase “quit zits” because seeing how vaping can impact skin health has prompted them to kick the habit. 

Here’s a breakdown of how vaping could trigger an acne breakout:

You can find a full scientific review of the relationship between acne and smoking here.

Vaping And Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is a more severe condition which involves painful nodules forming deep beneath the skin. They can leave bumps, lesions, spots and other types of visible acne symptoms. 

Cystic acne is often associated with hormonal fluctuations, and vaping can have an impact on this too. 

Vapes containing nicotine can stimulate a stress response in the body, which leads to greater cortisol levels. This higher level in turn disrupts hormonal balance, which can trigger cystic acne. 

So while vaping doesn’t cause cystic acne, it can trigger it and make it worse. 

How About Acne Around The Mouth?

One of the biggest impacts acne has on an individual is that it’s visible, and in some cases, present around the mouth. This is known as perioral acne. In some cases, it’s been linked to habits or irritants around the mouth area. 

Vaping isn’t known to cause acne around the mouth, but it can make things worse. For example, residue from vapes could clog pores around the lips and mouth, which creates the environment acne likes. 

Vaping can also cause dehydration, which can make our skin more susceptible to irritation. Again, acne can proliferate in damaged skin. 

Can Vaping Cause Hormonal Acne?

You may think that vaping can’t impact hormonal acne, but in a surprising way, it can. Vapes that contain nicotine have the potential to impact cortisol levels. This, in turn, creates an imbalance in hormones which can lead to an acne breakout. 

Nicotine also has the potential to affect androgen levels, which relate to sebum production. A higher sebum level can increase the chance of hormonal acne developing, so it’s something to be aware of. 

Vaping And Back Acne

Back acne, also referred to as bacne, is linked to clogged pores, sweating and hormonal factors. Given how nicotine vapes can impact sebum levels and contribute to a hormonal imbalance, there’s a chance that it could also impact other areas of the body prone to acne, like our backs. 

If you’re experiencing back acne, try switching to a nicotine-free vape or kicking the habit altogether and see if it improves. 

Understanding The Effect Of Vapes On The Body

While we’ve looked at vaping and acne specifically, it helps to understand the wider impact that vaping can have. 

Nicotine is by far the most dominant chemical in vapes. As well as the impacts discussed above, it’s also a vasoconstrictor. This means that it can reduce oxygen flow around the body, and in particular, to the skin. Nicotine also has the potential to cause tiredness, which you can read about in our guide here. 

It’s also important to be mindful of the chemicals found in the likes of flavoring agents. Some chemicals used can trigger allergic reactions or adverse effects in those with sensitivities. 

You should also be mindful of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin which are two chemicals commonly found in e-liquids. They have the potential to contribute to your skin’s hydration. 

Vaping And Skin Health

As well as triggering acne breakouts, vaping has the potential to cause other problems to skin health.

Given how it can dehydrate your skin, this may lead to premature aging, such as the development of wrinkles and sagging skin. 

There’s also the problem of delays in healing time. Given how oxygen flow is impaired, the like of acne scars can take longer to heal.

Can Stopping Vaping Cause Acne? 

While stopping vaping isn’t widely known to cause acne, a few stories have emerged of people who have experienced it. In these cases, breakouts are often temporary as the body adjusts its hormone levels as toxins are purged from it. Nicotine withdrawal can also trigger breakouts, but this will pass as the toxins clear from your system. 

There have also been anecdotal stories of people who have quit smoking and have moved to vapes to help them quit. After a while of using vape pens, they’ve reported a deterioration in their skin health, such as breakouts in spots and cystic acne on their face when they’ve never had it before. 

Those who have explored a connection between their new vaping habit and bad skin decided to set their vapes aside and found an improvement. Many people have linked vapes with high nicotine levels to acne, so this is something to think about if you’re suffering too. 

Advice On Quitting Vaping

If you’re looking for help quitting vaping, then it’s important to know that there is plenty of support available. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an excellent guide on quitting vaping which you can read here. You can also check out our guide on how to quit vaping here. 

If you’re trying to help someone quit but they’re struggling to beat their habit, then there are steps you can take to help support them. Education is always vital, so sharing informative guides like this, as well as reviews of scientific studies, can provide vital information. 

Sometimes education isn’t enough, however, and in these cases, you may need to take more drastic steps. For example, you could turn to a vape detector to alert you to any breaking of the rules, which can help dissuade them from trying again. 

For some people, though, simply understanding that vaping can cause acne is enough to kick the habit. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In this section, you can learn more about vaping and whether it causes acne by finding answers to some frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Does Vaping Cause Cystic Acne?

No, vaping does not directly cause cystic acne. However, it can exacerbate it in those who already are prone to breakouts. Nicotine, the dominant chemical in vapes, can contribute to inflammation and stress responses, as well as hormonal imbalances. These are all factors that can trigger cystic acne.

How Do I Know Vaping Cause My Acne?

If you believe that vaping has caused your acne breakout, there are some steps that you can take to check:

  1. First, track your habits. When did you start vaping and when did your first acne breakout occur? Did you recently start vaping more?
  2. Are there any other causes, like diet, skincare routines or heightened stress levels?
  3. Do some tests. Reduce or stop vaping and see if you notice anything different.
  4. If still in doubt, consult your dermatologist who can help identify the root cause