With the legalization of marijuana in many states in the US, a new issue has emerged for those in charge of public spaces, like schools, hotels and airports: enforcing a no cannabis-smoking policy.

While marijuana is a potent-smelling herb, it’s now available in vapes, which can make it harder to detect. For those responsible for the likes of employee and children’s safety, introducing ways to detect the use of THC vapes is crucial. 

Here at Triton Sensors, our vape detectors are designed to alert you to THC, marijuana smoke, and all types of vapor. Using our expertise and knowledge, we’ve compiled this guide to offer our advice on using a marijuana detector in the most effective way possible. 

We look at the benefits of using these devices, how they work, where you could use them to get the best results, and where you can buy them. 

What Is A Marijuana Detector And How Does It Work?

So, what is a marijuana detector?

In simple terms, it’s a device that can detect the compounds found in the smoke of marijuana, such as THC. These devices can also detect vapor produced by the likes of vape pens

Unlike smoke alarms which emit a loud sound when activated, these devices can instead alert supervisory staff in a more subtle way. They can then try and catch the culprits in the act, which can prove a far more effective deterrent. By contrast, if an alarm sounded, it gives the culprits a chance to flee before anyone can catch them. 

A marijuana detector looks much like a smoke alarm or vape detector and, as in the case of Triton Sensors’s vape detectors, can be powered by ethernet cable. More basic models may be powered by battery—this can come with the added expense of paying for replacement batteries, and also the risk of devices losing power and therefore shutting down.

So that’s how a marijuana detector works, let’s look at the benefits of using them. 

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Marijuana Detector?

There are multiple benefits that come with using marijuana detectors in your school, building or business. Here’s a breakdown:

There are some downsides to using a marijuana detector too. For example, it may discriminate against medical marijuana users, which can lead to disputes in the workplace. Provided things like this are accounted for, a THC detector can still prove very beneficial. 

Are Marjiuana Detectors Required By Law?

In some states, laws may be in place that you have to comply with when it comes to marijuana and other drugs. While many states have legalized cannabis, it remains illegal under federal law, and The Controlled Substances Act classifies it as a Schedule I substance. This means it often has to be treated with zero-tolerance.

This applies especially to federal contractors or those who operate in industries that are regulated on a federal level, such as transportation or aviation. Some businesses may also need to enforce a zero-tolerance policy, such as in factories where people operate dangerous machinery. 

It’s important to remember, however, that in states where marijuana is legal, some people have a legal right to access it for medical reasons. This is contained in the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). 

Other states have also legislated to prevent employer discrimination against off-duty marijuana use too, which is another key consideration.

Can A Marijuana Detector Catch Vapor, Odors And Smoke?

One of the biggest perks of using a modern-day marijuana detector is that it can catch vapors, odors and smoke. Marijuana has been legal in many states for a number of years and in that time different methods of consumption have been developed. 

While smoke detectors have been around for a while, odor detectors also exist and can prove effective in catching people smoking joints where they shouldn’t. The same goes for vape detectors, which have the potential to detect the vapor of marijuana. These hyper-sensitive devices can even detect sounds and recognise keywords, such as “smoking”, which can trigger alerts. 

If you’re trying to enforce a drug-free policy, using a marijuana detector can be one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal. The key to success is placing them in the right locations, so let’s take a look at how to get the best results. 

Where Could You Use A THC Detector?

There are various different locations where THC and marijuana detectors can be used, and certain spots within those areas can lead to even more effective results. Let’s take a look:


As we’ve seen above, certain workplaces and companies within particular states are duty bound to ensure that staff aren’t high on the job. To help comply with their obligations, they could look to install marijuana detectors in bathrooms, smoking areas and changing rooms. 

Having this visible and potent deterrent in place can help enforce drug-free policies at work, making the jobs of supervisors and management much easier. 


THC and the other compounds in marijuana have the potential to cause damage to young, developing minds. It’s therefore vital that the drug is kept out of schools as much as possible. This goes for middle schools as well as high schools

While smoking joints is more obvious due to the pungent odor, the rise in the use of THC vape pens has meant it’s harder to detect. However, using a vape detector can help get around this. Placing them in quiet areas beyond the supervision of teachers and staff is best, for example bathrooms, locker rooms and stairwells. 

Rented Properties As A Landlord

As a landlord, it’s vital that you ensure that your tenants are happy and comfortable in the home they rent from you. Using marijuana detectors can help alert you to any behavior that may cause a disturbance or nuisance for your tenants or neighbors. 

It’s possible to install a THC detector in a rented property, and if you own multiple properties or an apartment block, fitting them in communal walkways and stairways can also prove effective. 

If you use a quality marijuana detector, like Triton Sensors, it’s also tamper proof, meaning that if anyone tries to cover or deactivate the sensor, you’ll be notified. 

Hotel Rooms

If you’re responsible for a hotel with lots of rooms, it can be hard to police what goes on inside. While a certain degree of trust is required, if people are smoking marijuana the strong smell can upset other guests. Ensuring that nobody smokes in their room may be a rule that you have to enforce due to fire safety laws too. 

A marijuana detector in a hotel room is subtle and discreet and can prove a potent deterrent for any guests thinking about breaking the rules. 

How Does A THC Detector Work?

A THC detector works in a similar way to other types of smoke and vape detectors. Usually fixed to a ceiling, it’s powered either by batteries or a cable which also allows it to connect to the internet. Rather than sounding an alarm when someone is smoking a doobie, it triggers an alert. This alert goes to supervisory staff like teachers or managers who can then catch the offender in the act.

This allows you to enforce policies to a much greater level, ensuring you identify and properly punish the offenders

Try A Marijuana Detector 

If you’d like to try a marijuana detector today, you’re in the right place. Here at Triton Sensors, we manufacture some of the most powerful and effective detectors in the country, if not the world. Our sensors can detect THC, vapor, smoke and even noise, so you can set alerts to keywords and be notified about potential incidents as they’re unfolding.

Better still, all of our THC detectors are powered by ethernet cable, ensuring continuous uptime and ruling out the need to change batteries. 

You can order a free demo unit today to try out, and if you’d like to learn more about how effective our sensors are, we recommend checking out our case studies and testimonials. We’ve helped high schools drastically reduce incidents, and we can help you too.