For parents, there are many risks of harm out there in the world for our children. From dangerous drivers to narcotics, these risks are broad and seemingly endless. Something that’s been added to that list in recent years is vaping. 

This new phenomenon has caused distress and worry amongst many parents. Given how vaping is more discreet than cigarettes, and seemingly more readily available to children, it’s become difficult to spot the signs of vaping and, if you do catch them, the best way to tackle the problem.

This guide offers vital support and guidance for parents who are looking for help spotting the signs of vaping in children. Below, we look at the major signs that your kid is vaping, and what to do if you catch them in the act. 

First, let’s take a look at how children vape and the reasons why it’s vital to curb the problem as soon as possible. 

How Could A Child Vape Without You Knowing?

There are lots of ways that a child can vape without you noticing. Given that the vapor disappears within a few seconds and it doesn’t leave much of a smell, it’s easy for kids to vape and get away with it. Let’s take a look at some of the main ways:

So that’s some of the common ways children vape. Let’s look at the damage they could be doing to themselves.

What Are The Health Risks To A Child If They Vape?

Vapes pack a significant amount of chemicals and compounds into the liquid. Sometimes when heated, the properties of these chemicals change, which adds even more to the equation. Worse still, research is being conducted on the potential impact the heating of certain chemicals has, so massive question marks remain over the safety of vapes. 

The most prevalent chemical found in vapes is nicotine. This substance, found in tobacco products, has the potential to damage young brains. The Centre For Disease Control (CDC) has said that nicotine can damage developing brains, as well as create problems with mood, impulsivity and attention span.

Other studies into vapes have found that, especially with cheaper brands, the metals found in the heating coils become damaged and end up ingested as part of the vapor. Some of these metals, like lead, can cause serious harm and irritate the throat and lungs. 

The evidence of the potential harm is out there. Only a few years ago did an 18 year-old admit to hospital where he was found with the lungs of a 70-year-old after vaping. And in 2020, it was found that vaping had contributed to the death of a 15-year-old in Texas

Given the known risks, vaping certainly isn’t safe for children. 

What Are The Signs Your Child Is Vaping?

Given that vapor disappears after a short space of time and that the smell isn’t as strong as the likes of cigarettes, vaping can be hard to detect in children. However, there are some telltale signs to look out for.

Look Out For The Smell

While vaping doesn’t carry as strong a smell as tobacco products, it still does give off an odor. This is particularly the case with flavored vapes. These devices can leave a sweet, almost sickly aroma in the air, like a cheap candle. 

While it may not last for long, it could be long enough for you to notice and then you can enquire further with your child as to the potential source. 

Smoker’s Cough Or Mouth Sores

Vaping has the potential to irritate a person’s throat, lungs and mouth, especially if consumed in large quantities. You may notice symptoms such as bronchitis, where your child is trying to clear their throat. This can be quite noticeable around meal times after they’ve eaten. In more extreme cases, you may notice wheezing, heavy breathing or a crackle.

Some people link vaping to mouth sores, though there isn’t strong evidence for this. It could be more indicative of the fact that they’ve been sharing vapes with others who may have sores that get passed on. 

Changes In Behaviour

As mentioned above, the chemicals found in vape pens, like nicotine, have the potential to change the behavior of some children.

Common symptoms include irritability, a poor attention span, diminished ability to learn, and more unpredictable and extreme changes in mood. 

Combined with this, you may notice your child becoming more withdrawn, spending more time away from you in their room, or perhaps an unusually high amount of time with friends, or certain friends in particular. 

Keep An Eye Out For Unfamiliar Pens Or Devices

As you try and discover whether your kid is vaping or not, you may search their rooms. If you do, keep an eye out for any unfamiliar devices that may be shaped like a pen. These are more subtle varieties that are designed to be harder to spot. 

Other types of vapes include smaller square-shaped devices with a mouthpiece and chunkier, blockier devices which are also shaped like a pen. If you notice a mouthpiece, then there’s a good chance you’ve found a vape. 

Finding Discarded Vape Packaging And Devices

Another key sign is finding discarded vape packaging and devices. Some kids may be more watchful in their misbehavior, meaning they are more discreet about disposing of these things, but others may forget or fail to do so. 

This means it’s always worth a look around to find any concrete evidence like this, and it’s hard to argue against if you do find it. 

What To Do If You Catch Your Kid Vaping?

When you catch your child vaping, it’s easy to get angry and annoyed with them. We do expect better of them at the end of the day. But children are children and at that phase of their life, they learn by making mistakes.

They’re also thrust into complex social situations in which they’re swayed to do things by peer pressure and that need to fit in and belong. Anger, therefore, is no solution to such a problem, and instead to tackle the issue, engagement and education are vital. 

Let’s take a look at some of the best bits of advice for helping your child stop vaping. 

Educate Them On The Risks

One of the most effective approaches you can take is education. It may be the case that your child’s school hasn’t informed them of the risks of vaping, so it’s here you can fill the gap and explain. We’ve shared some case studies above that show how it can damage your health. Examples like this are great to share with your child—it provides a visible consequence of vaping, which is the same tactic employed by anti-smoking campaigns. 

It can also help to explain to them what vapes are made of and the potential impact that these different chemicals can have. We have an in-depth guide on the chemicals found in vapes here. 

Help Them Quit 

Vapes contain highly addictive substances, like nicotine. It’s vital to appreciate that your child may have some dependency on this, which can make urges and cravings harder. It could mean that their behavior is particularly disruptive and unpredictable, but it’s vital that you help and support them through it. 

It can also help to explain to them the reasons why they’re behaving as they are, and that it’s the impact of vaping that is making them feel like this, reassuring them that it will soon pass. 

It may also help to research the reasons why teens and children vape to help you nail down the cause. 

Enforce The Rules

Enforcing the rules in a household is tough. Children tend to push the boundaries and will do all they can to bend or get around rules. The problem is intensified when a child who has been vaping is addicted to it and will go to extra lengths to feed their urges and cravings. 

As we’ve seen above, it’s hard to spot the signs your kid is vaping at the best of times, but there are things you can do to help. For example, you could try using a vape detector. Here at Triton Sensors, our detectors are so sophisticated that they can pick up nicotine, vapor and THC smoke, as well as listening out for keywords like “vaping”. An effective enforcement policy like this can really help deter any rule-breaking and can encourage your child to kick their habit. 

Key Takeaways